Sunday, May 30, 2004

There Are No Obstacles

I can be impatient with people. I can be very impatient with people who see a million reasons something can NOT be accomplished. I like to come up with a million reasons anything can be accomplished. It's just the way I think. That's the kind of hairpin I am. (An old expression my mom used to use. "That's the kind of hairpin she is." I have no idea what it means -- it just means what it means.)

I was talking to a friend about this -- a woman lawyer -- about the notion of not being thrown off by what others perceive as obstacles. My friend, the lady lawyer, just won a very big case against a very well-known male lawyer who'd actually been bragging around town that he had the case sewn up, she had no chance. He'd won 20 in a row for his firm, and this one should be no different. Everyone, including him, assumed he'd ace it. He didn't. She knocked him out of the box. It was a big upset.

She is not arrogant and she never counted on winning. She felt the cards were stacked against her, but she ignored all that and just did the job at hand.

She asked me how I came by that attitude -- that there are no obstacles -- where I learned it. And, of course, I have to thank my dad, God Bless Him, for teaching me that. He was enormously resourceful and resilient, as well as creative and funny. He NEVER took NO for an answer. No was something other people thought. He never bought into the idea of something not being possible.

He taught me it was a losing strategy to waste any time talking yourself into why you couldn't do something. "What kind of fool would do that?!?" he would say incredulously.

I was telling her about him, and it occurred to me the piece I wrote the morning after his death "When My Dad Wakes Up Today" was all about that. Sometimes I'll write something and I don't even get what it is that's good about it -- it happens often. It took me two years to understand what that piece was about.

It starts by saying "When my dad wakes up today, the first thing he will notice is that he is dead. But he'll that that in stride ..." And that's exactly what he taught me -- there are no obstacles. He always looked at a situation from this starting point. Even if he found out by some fluke he happened to be dead, it was a mere detail, easily overlooked, nothing one should get worked up over or dwell on, instead, you just figure a way round it. The whole essay is about that.

So today, I want to thank my dad for teaching me that very important way of seeing the world -- that there are no obstacles -- and acknowledge that he was exactly right -- he's right here with me, alive as can be in my thoughts, my words, my life and his death is a mere detail, something I take in stride.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Something's Cooking

So yesterday, my kid was sick and I was worried and the medicine wasn't working and he wasn't sleeping and kept getting up and nearly crying about his throat hurting. No fever. That was the only good news. So finally around 11pm (2 hours after his usual bedtime) he settles in for the night and me too, but I'm not convinced we're in for a good night's sleep -- or any sleep.

But we sleep -- I know that because at 4:00am he comes into my room -- waking me from a dead sleep, complaining about his throat again, and he's hungry and he wants this and and and and and ... I'm nearly comatose during this flood of desires coming at me.

I was trying to explain the relentlessness of the responsibility of having kids to someone with no kids the other day. I hope he's reading this.

I am so tired. I get up fast like a mom can do -- or a doctor on call -- an out-of-body-type experience -- and follow him back into his room. If he starts trying to pile into my bed and sneezing all over my sheets and pillows, I'm a goner.

In his room I'm trying to get him to drink some tea and then I have that "got up too fast" faint headedness and I have to lie down suddenly. This is gonna be a long day.

But WEIRDLY, by 5:30am, after tea and cough drops, he's much better and by 6:30am after scrambled eggs and a yogurt drink, he's really good. By 7:30 he wants to drag out his Real Meal Oven and bake up some pizza and pretzels. Christ -- I'm thrilled for him, I want nothing more than to see him well -- but THIS WELL?! Suddenly it's time for cooking school?!

And so it goes -- he's ready to go go go -- and I'm a complete zombie. This business of one generation bringing the other one into the world works like a charm, I figure, especially the part where the younger ones just about destroy the older ones most mornings. It's brilliant.

Friday, May 28, 2004

My Vacation Rant

I was invited to go off to Connecticut and other remote locations, but I'm staying put this weekend. See my vacation rant here. I went to and reserved a quiet weekend there.

My Dinner With Andre, King of Ping

Actually we didn't have dinner really, and he isn't the King of Ping.

But anyway, go read my interview with Andre Durand, the CEO of Ping Identity at Worthwhile here.

Despite trying to meet Eric Norlin, Andre's buddy, for nearly 2 years now and NEVER managing to pull it off, at least I got the lowdown on what the Pingsters are up to.

I really am beginning to think Eric is a made-up not real witness-relo type non-person. It just doesn't add up.

Honey, Remind Me Why You Need To Buy A Porsche

This important late breaking news from Germany:

BERLIN (Reuters) - Don't trust a man with a fast car.

Porsche drivers are less faithful than any other group of car owners, with almost 50 percent of them cheating on their partners, a survey published in German magazine "Men's Car" has revealed.

Among German men, Porsche drivers were the least faithful, with 49 percent admitting infidelity, followed by BMW drivers at 46 percent. Among women, Audi drivers were the least reliable, 41 percent admitting to affairs.

I'm sure this is only true for German men.

What The Heart Might Say

A compass is made of metal, sits in your hand, cold and steely, but can be counted on to point north despite wind and weather. It might shake a bit when you spin it, but its little hand points its way back to the pole with certainty.

Your heart should guide you equally well, but you can not hold it in your hand. In fact, you loan it to others to hold and hope they handle it with care. Waking at dawn, all your hopes and fears and many dreams are there in bed all around you, with your heart making every attempt to find direction.

The heart, with its tiny cupid arrow pointing one way or another, a sometimes unreliable, but often dead-on instrument, might say any number of things. It will tease you north, but maybe south, until you decide upon a path. And you might bet your whole life on the red thing. People do it every day. And I hear they win big.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Tennis -- A Brand New Game

I've discovered this cool new game. It's called tennis.

It's new because last year I had cataract surgery and I can ACTUALLY SEE THE BALL NOW! I had just about given up on playing tennis and doing a number of sports, but suddenly, I can see stuff now and it changes everything.

I was out wacking balls this morning at the backboard and it was so much fun. I'm going to sign up for lessons to get back in "the swing" of it.

All About Blogs

Thanks to Rob Saunders for the pointers to the Wired piece about Nick Denton's Blogkingdom.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

A Feeling

This morning I was putting lotion on -- actually Blueberry Body Butter -- after my shower and I was feeling really sexy and female and I was playing around with the idea of what it might feel like to be a man. I can't imagine. I honestly can't imagine not having bosoms, womany hips, all the right girl stuff, sexy longer hair. To be shaped in a curvy girlish way feels just right to me.

To be a big shouldered, flat sailor-hipped, ice cream cone-shaped man -- how odd. To have a flatish boy butt, instead of a curvy round girl butt, it seems completely strange. To have a fluctating size, male, EXPOSED set of balls and penis -- beyond my imagination. To not have a period and a delicate delta of pussy, politely hidden away, able to make babies, ready to keep deep secrets -- unfathomable.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

What A Drag It Is Getting Old

Mick Jagger sang those lyrics in 1966. Now he can really understand where they're coming from.

Meanwhile, Harry Potter's getting a little too mature for his own good too.

Good Lord

Who'd a thunk it? Buying a bible IS complicated with all the translations and all. Here's your BLOGGERSBIBLEBUYINGGUIDE -- sort of.

Watching Your House Burn Down

Good God. Jay's fire alarm was NOT a false alarm. Jay, our hopes, prayers, and best wishes go out to you and your family. (Via Scripting.)

Monday, May 24, 2004

Yes or No

I'll never figure out why I can be such a believer in exercise but when it comes time to do it -- I can be such a balker. This morning, I was pulling every hopeless, lame-ass manoeuvre to get out of exercising -- felt SO lazy -- but then finally just jumped in and was so glad I did.

Threw some Go-Go's rock and roll on, just to get me dancing and feeling some sort of energy moving through me, then that kick started the whole thing:


You're alone and I am too
You're my idea of a pretty view
You can move or so it seems
I bet we'd make a decent team
I'm not asking for all your time
A song or two would suit me fine
I'm not asking for you to say
that you'll be with me all the way
Shut your mind off for a while
Concentrate on the latest style
And everything's alright

Yes or no
I'll take it fast or slow
I'll make it easy for you to decide
Yes or no
You've got to let it go
Just take a stance
Either dance or tell me no

If you've got somewhere to be
If you've got someone besides me
Let me know don't put me on
If it's not right then I'll be gone
All those dancers can't be wrong
All those answers'd take too long
So tell me tell me now

-- The Go-gos

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Dream Operator

Had a wonderful dream the other night, but then just as it was getting good, I woke up. Damn! There should be a dream operator, who you can get to reconnect you. You just click the receiver and say, "hey, I just got disconnected!" and they could plug you back in, you know, the way those old PBX's worked, just thrust that thing in again and you get to pick up where you left off. That would be sweet.

When you were little
You dreamed you were big
You must have been something
A real tiny kid

You wish you were me
I wish I was you
Now don't you wake up
The dream will come true

Every dream has a name
And names tell your story
This song is your dream
You're the dream operator

It's bigger than life
You know it's all me
My face is a book
But it's not what it seems

Three angels above
The whole human race
They dream us to life
They dream me a face

And every dream tells it all
And this dream is your story
You dreamed me a heart
You're the dream operator

Shake-it-up dream
Hi-di-ho dream
Fix-it-up dream
Look at me dream
I've been waiting so long
Now I am your dream

Hard to forget
Hard to go on
When you fall asleep
You're out on your own

Let go of your life
Grab on to my hand
Here in the clouds
Where we'll understand

And you dreamed it all
And this is your story
Do you know who you are?
You're the dream operator

And you dreamed it all
And this is your story
Do you know who you are?
You're the dream operator

Hockey Is Hot

Impressed some dads at a kiddie birthday party today with my encyclopedic knowledge of hockey. I'm putting my money on Tampa Bay Lightning.

Outside Inside

Need to go out and get some exercise but the funky weather keeps going sunny/rainy sunny/rainy sunny/rainy.

Meanwhile, there are so many things I need to get done on the computer, I'm not wanting to tear myself away, but being inside all day is NOT a very healthy thing.

About Voice

Here's something I wrote about a year ago, talking about how weblogs give women a chance to voice their truth. I have to say, the disturbing thing a year later, is to see how blogging is being dominated more and more by men. I really don't understand it.

Here's the link and also a quick excerpt:

Weblogs sound truthful and give a reader access to a real person’s real voice. They are all about transparency. If someone tries to write a corporate-spin weblog – it sounds like that – and guess what – no one wants to bother reading it.

If someone writes in an honest truthful voice, people are drawn to it like the proverbial bees to honey. Women are doing this every day in weblogs. Women will be doing this more and more in business. The woman who runs customer service will have a weblog where she and her customers write in truthful, helpful voices. The woman who runs sales will invite clients to write weblogs entries next to hers to solve the riddle of how they can all work together better. She will welcome their comments, neatly embedded in weblogs, a standard feature of weblogs that is the software manifestation of collaborative thinking. Weblogs work the way women work, they invite conversation and interaction in order to solve problems. They are not designed with women in mind, but they are all about cooperation, conversation and transparency. They are perfectly suited to a woman’s view of business. “Can’t we all just get along,” per Rodney King and can’t we all just work together and get something done around here?” as most women would say.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

You Can Do Something

Sometimes it feels like there are so many areas of war, strife, difficulty worldwide, you want to throw up your hands and give up -- but you can do something to help, if only by being aware and raising the awareness of others.

Take a minute to read this blog which gives you a picture of the dreadful human rights violations going on in Sudan right now.

In Darfur, a region in southern Sudan approximately the size of Texas, over a million people are threatened with torture and death at the hands of marauding militia and a complicit government. Imagine a militia that forces parents to choose whether their children will be burned alive or shot to death. Imagine that in the very same month the world remembers the genocides of Cambodia and Rwanda, the unfolding news of another in Sudan is barely heard and largely ignored.

This link talks about what bloggers can do to help as well. Thanks to Jim Moore for the update and links.

Bad Boyfriend

I pity the jerk who inspired the Pink song "Why Was I The Last To Know" -- she tells all.

The "stupid fuck" actually had tickets waiting for him for her concert at the box office that SHE PERSONALLY LEFT for him. Then he didn't bother to call and didn't bother to show up. Her mom needed the tickets so they didn't even get used.

And Pink doesn't spare us a bit of explanation. They had a date, they ate sushi, it seemed to go well. He thought she'd put out -- but HELLO -- smart girls don't do that -- haven't you read THE RULES -- so he stood her up at her own concert. What a jerk.

Why Was I The Last To Know

Why was I the last to know
That you weren't coming to my show you coulda
Called me up to say "good luck"
You coulda called me back you stupid fuck
Why was I the last to know?

[Verse 1]
First date, we ate sushi and
It went well, I was funny and
You said I was a cutie
That's the last thing I heard from you
I left the tickets at the door for you
I had to tell my mom that there was
No more room
You didn't show, that was so uncool
You coulda called me back

So i guess this means that we're
Not friends anymore, I heard
It's me you're asking for, I thought
I'd see you at the show
You said you'd go


[Verse 2]
After the date, I wouldn't go
Home with you
I wouldn't put my heels in the
Air for you
You tried to get me to do things
I just won't do
Last I heard from you
Here is how I guess the story goes
You woulda came if I was a ho
F*** for parts that's just not how
I roll, move it on down the road

So I guess, we, shouldn't be
Friends anymore, sick of hearin'
That it's me you're askin' for
'Cause I thought I'd see you at the
Show, you said you'd go!


You thought you know me
I guess you didn't
You thought you had me
I think you didn't
You thought you knew me
But you didn't

Lyrics Lyrics Lyrics

I have a bunch of reader friends who just HATE when I post lyrics, but sorry guys, I LIKE posting lyrics. I feel like they are just about the closest thing to the pulse of what artists are feeling and thinking.

So John, especially for you, just hold your nose and keep on reading. Here come some lyrics.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Seriously Folks

I write about a BROAD range of subjects here, don't I? Sometimes you think this is a blog about death and grief, sometimes you think this is a blog about technology, sometimes you could just about swear this is a blog about sex, and then just about the time you think that, you notice this is a blog about serious work/life balance issues.

Actually, just to clear things up, this is a blog about my lunch -- black bean soup, sour dough rolls and beer (O'Douls actually).

MILF's Of The World Unite

Madonna invented the genre I think, don't you?

Remember this t-shirt?

She knows the secret all us moms know -- you only get hotter and sexier once you become a mom.

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss

Or is it?

Madonna As Martha Washington

Yahoo's crowing about Madonna's new re-invention, but when I look at the picture, I have to think, "Who's she turned herself into now? Martha Washington?"

And one might ask, why? Election year theme? Is she trying to elbow the others off the list to be chosen as Kerry's VP?

Blogrank -- Big Why?

I'm number 58 today on the Daypop Blog Rank, but I have NO idea why. There are other days where I have 10X the traffic and hits and I don't rank as high, if at all.

Also was listed last week as one of the Daypop Top 40 on a day that I had minimal traffic. If it has something to do with number of links, someone please clue me in.

$2.00/gallon gas

We're seeing all the gas station guys climbing up wobbly ladders to add the number 2 in the tens place. It's been happening all over town in the last two weeks.

I am so glad I don't own a head-decapitating gas-guzzling fat-ass
statusmobile -- what are they called again -- oh, yeah -- SUV's.

Turn Off

It's more and more difficult to turn off. I'm writing about that this morning over at Worthwhile.

I even get miffed when I want to scarf up new content on sites like Scripting, Doc Searls, JOHO and Rageboy and find these blogheads are actually taking the weekend off. How dare they!?!

Boston Bitchin'

Which is to say ... the Boston weather is heavenly and we should all be raving about it. Just the most gorgeous thing.

However ...

I now realize that there's something just not right, just not Puritanical, just not Bostonian about good weather. There's something downright self-indulgent, hedonistic, even sybaritic about this fine weather.

In fact, I realized today, that it's not Boston if you can't bitch about the weather. I am afraid I have lost my way and this can't be Boston. This may be Miami Beach and some evil agent has transported all of us to that paradise.

Hell, you walk down the street and all the pasty-faced, wool scarf bandaged Bostonians look a little naked in happy play clothes and pink around the edges with bits of sunburn. I am very worried about this. It is just plain wrong.

Thank God It's Monday

For me at least, it's Monday. I've been away most of the week and today I get to jump in and start my workweek for real. The fact that it's Friday, has little to do with it.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Red-Eye and Shut-Eye

Back from Boulder. Rolled into Boston town about 5:00am this morning after taking the red-eye. We're talking ZOMBIE here. I've had a busy day (of course).

Hear some very cool and favorite bloggers are heading into town this weekend, and I'm invited to hang with them.

Wish they had a pill called SLEEP that made you feel instantly well-rested. I need about three.

So much to recount about my meetings in Boulder. Soon, soon, but probably not until tomorrow when I remember how to speak English. I am so wiped out.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Dizzying Heights

Here in Boulder, CO for founding meetings of The National Center for Women and Information Technology ( at the University of Colorado.

They say the mountains can leave you breathless by their beauty and height, but I'm dizzy thanks to the amazing brainpower and heart assembled here -- leaders from academia, industry and government -- all dedicated to bringing more women into computing. More soon.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

When You Need Strength

In church today, my minister, Judy Brain, spoke about the soldiers in the Abu Ghraib camp and why some did not find the courage to speak out against the ungodly treatment of the prisoners.

I thought of this hymn. We are so often -- much more often than we admit -- asked to do the right BUT UNPOPULAR thing. We are called to be courageous and truthful all the time in our work lives, our personal lives, in unusual times and seemingly unimportant places -- seeing a man drop a $20 bill out of his pocket in line at Burger King, he doesn't notice it, so it lies there, what do you do?

We need courage to act with love and godly goodness. When we see a wrong do we address it? Do we rise to the challenge?

Perhaps you don't believe in evil. Perhaps the devil and temptation seem too stagey, too phoney to be real in your world. I don't think so. I think there is a force of evil -- a place where light is sucked into darkness -- and we are called on to NAME it and right the wrong of its intention. It would have us all sucked into darkness, given half a chance.

And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us,
We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us:
The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him;
His rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure,
One little word shall fell him.

What A Friend We Have In Jesus

We managed, against all odds, to actually go to church this morning.

Just to get out the door in a pouring springy summer rain, into the car, no shoes, no socks for my kid, who had left them in the car, then wrestled into all required clothes on the way to church and then the two of us late and creeping stealthily into the balcony pews, phew, we did it. I only notice then, I have one black sock, one navy. Whatever ...

They had all these great lovely old hymns on the menu this week. Out the big windows, God was dish dish dishing the rain out in steady needles. The trees were sucking it all up after that Sahara Desert of a day yesterday, so glad to get it.

My kid is almost 9 years old and doesn't want to go to baby Sunday School church lately, so he hid out with me in the balcony and went to big church. He even stood up to sing the hymns with me, which he had never done before. It was great.

For The Beauty Of The Earth

Sweet Hour of Prayer

What A Friend We Have in Jesus


With these super cheap deals, you really gotta pick a blogger, any blogger and talk them into letting you visit this summer. Remember the rule: house guests and fish smell after three days.

Downward Dog

One of my favorite yoga positions where you are sticking your butt straight up in the air, stretching your back, your legs, your arms.

This is, however, NOT one that JetBlue recommends you do in flight. Here is their yoga inflight suggestion card. Check it out. I love downward dog when I'm on the ground and I love JetBlue when I'm in the air.

SuperFly Is Right

JetBlue is doing incredible SUPERFLY deals. Boston to Tampa for $59 is not to be beat. And how about Boston to Denver for $79. And if you're in NYC -- it's $99 to just about anywhere on the West Coast.

About This Bright Green Terrarium

I have been snuggled in and not thinking about what is going outside the windows. It was blazing hot yesterday, near 90 and maybe last night ... did it rain?

But the green green green ferns and foliage and grass outside seem to glow bright and lush, like a nicely damp terrarium. The weather seems ready to do something, on the edge of something -- a rain storm? I don't know. I prefer the weather of my bed sheets and the feather duvet raining down all around me.

Reading Around The Web

It has become a home away from home. HTTP://hither and HTTP://yon. You go here, you go there, you check up on your neighbors, you wonder after strangers, when all seems well, you sink back into your own world, but who's to say it's not as real a world. It's nice to visit the UK and Australia and Japan in a flick of a wrist, the click of a mouse.

Sunday Lazy

That "day of rest" concept sounds pretty good right about now. Feeling pretty Sunday lazy and one more cup of tea and maybe diving back into bed wouldn't be the worst thing.

Saturday, May 15, 2004


Some people just write so well. Check out Ebert's review of the new movie Troy:
The movie recounts the legend of the Trojan War, as the fortress city is attacked by a Greek army led by Menelaus of Sparta and Agamemnon of Mycenae. The war has become necessary because of the lust of the young Trojan prince named Paris (Orlando Bloom), who while during a peace mission to Sparta, seduces the city-state's queen, Helen (Diane Kruger).

This action understandably annoys Helen's husband, Menelaus (Brendan Gleeson), not to mention Paris' brother Hector (Eric Bana), who points out, quite correctly, that when you visit a king on a peace mission, it is counterproductive to leave with his wife.

Belgian Waffles

Last night, it was a most delicious May evening, a polite battle of the hot end of the day with cool evening breezes and we trotted over to our friends house where the dad with a nice sharp new short haircut and a bit more tan than last week, was looking good and cooking up a mess of Belgian Waffles.

Belgian Waffles the crunchy, deep, corrugated kind, next to three blessed bowls of summer fruit -- strawberries, raspberries, blueberries -- and an army of whipped cream cans deployed and standing tall at the ready for a houseful of kids -- all boys, an 8- year-old, two 9's then two 11's and the 13 was off at a friend's house down the road, I guess. Neighbors came by to chat and admire the waffles, I'm sure you could smell the fresh burn of the waffle iron a few houses down.

The Mom and I were ensconced on the couch in the living room, sipping tonic, and recounting long ago romances. One son was stealthy, over in the corner, pretending to read -- READ?! -- on such a summer night, when he could be tearing around in the yard outside with his brothers, but we knew better. He couldn't resist eavesdropping. At one particularly hot spot in the story, he blurts out the exact word I had just whispered to his mom, showing he wasn't missing a single syllable of our girl talk. We bite his little head off and tell him to mind his own business.

In the kitchen, there is something perfectly holy about the way the light shines down on the scene of a delicious May evening with friends.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Good Advice On Bad Credit

Here's the government's suggestions on avoiding fraudulent credit card counseling services. This is from the Fair Trade Commission's website.

Notice at the bottom of the page, the three main credit card reporting companies are listed. You can get a free report from each once a year. Call.

Credit bureaus usually are listed in the yellow pages of your telephone book under "credit reporting agencies." Three large national credit bureaus supply most credit reports: Equifax, Experian and Trans Union. You may want to contact each of them for a copy of your report.


1-888-EXPERIAN (397-3742)

Trans Union

I'm trying to remember what Experian used to be called -- I know they changed their name, anyone recall?

Get Out Of Debt Seminar From Motley Fool

Wait until you see this. The Motley Fool has such killer resources. If I haven't visited them for a while, I always kick myself when I get back around to it, because I find incredibly valuable stuff there.

This course of theirs called The Motley Fool Get Out Of Debt Seminar seems to be thorough, detailed, easy to understand, really helpful and FREE! They rock!

Listen to this good advice:

Key points

If debt troubles have pushed you to the edge of sanity, STOP... and take a deep breath. It may seem like the end of the world, but we can assure you that it's not.

It's in everyone's best interest -- both yours and the people to whom you owe money -- to get you out of crisis mode and into a repayment plan that you can handle. Nobody wins if you spiral down to bankruptcy.

The laws are actually on your side, although you'll have to get organized to take advantage of them.

A good credit counseling service can turn your life around, but please choose carefully. For some reason debt problems draw a lot scam artists.

Credit Card Hocus Pocus

I've been getting my financial house in order post-divorce and looking over all my credit cards, all their rates, all their hidden fees, paying off debt, etc. There are so many good sources for consumer education about how the credit card companies operate.

The Motley Fool is a good place to start. Read this.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

"My Safe Place"

Good thing here about how Pink worked with Linda Perry to do her third album, TRY THIS, and she says
"On this record, I started with Linda, because that's my safe place," Pink says. The chemistry was still there, and TRY THIS features three songs produced by Perry: the old-school R&B-flavored "Catch Me While I'm Sleeping," (written by Perry), the Led-Zep flavored "Waiting for Love" (co-written by Pink and Perry) and infectious "Try Too Hard."
Love this album, but also loved the last one too.



Well tonight's the night I'm gonna get right
Gonna hit the scene with my friends
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Tonight's the night Imma do what I gotta do to get out of here
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again

Bought myself a quick, cheap ticket, looking for a brand new scene
Gotta get the hell outta Hollwyood cause everything is halloween
Hit the town brass knuckles, make all the good people stare
I hope I don't end up in jail, but then again I don't realy care

Tonight's the night I'm going to get right
Gonna hit the scene with my friends
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Tonight's the night Imma do what I gotta do to get out of here
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again

Think it's time to have some fun, but what am I gonna wear
And where are we gonna go, and who's gonna do my hair
Got these hotass boots, but ain't got nothin to do
Somebody better give me some gas money, we're sitting here like fools

Tonight's the night I'm gonna get right
Gonna hit the scene with my friends
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Tonight's the night Imma do what I gotta do to get outta here
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again

I'm leaving today, I'm going far, far, far away
Got no reason to stay cause I don't wanna play
So can you hang, it's gonna be all night

Tonight's the night I'm gonna get right
Gonna hit the scene with my friends
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Tonight's the night Imma do what I gotta do to get outta here
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again

Bought myself a quick, cheap ticket, lookin for a brand new scene
Gotta get the hell outta Hollywood cause every day is halloween
Hit the town with brass knuckles, all the good people stare
I hope I don't end up in jail, but then again I don't really care

Tonight's the night I'm gonna get right
Gonna hit the scene with my friends
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Tonight's the night Imma do what I gotta do to get outta here
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again

Love At Long Last

Alpha Octopus scores octopussy! Way to go man. And they thought it was too late for you -- never say never.

The two really hit it off. Spermatophores were seen hanging from J-1's siphon.
Talk about sexy! Va-va-va-voom! I'll bet J-1 has a very happy siphon these days.

Cowtown -- I Think Not

I'll be in Denver next week ... okay, okay, Boulder, a world of difference I know ... and it ain't no cowtown from what I hear about it these days. Looking forward to it.

You Really Don't Have To Look

Lovely summer afternoon and eveningish yesterday spent at my friend Adam's pool, part in the hot tub, part swimming, splashedy, splashedy. Adam happens to make killer Turkey Chili and homemade Hawaiian Punch popsicles which are terrific and has the loveliest Koi pond. One fish with a yellow head is named Goldberg, one black and white spotted one called Elsie. Much fun.

We were talking about the disturbing pictures in the papers and on TV that you can barely avoid, and can get you DOWN big time, but I HAVE BEEN avoiding them. I've been taking time to make my house pretty, organize my finances, care for my son, care for myself, write, read, make new friends. Especially helping my kid avoid the barrage of dreadful images. My mom used to tell us when we drove by an auto accident on the roadside, "You really don't have to look."

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Love Letters

I want to write some love letters to my Worthwhile collegues and make them blush. I really was thinking how much I love and appreciate them. I'm going to walk around with it in my mind today and my heart and write them later, but I want to toss some stuff up here first -- just hors d'oeuvres.

Some small teases for starters:

Kevin Salwen -- he is a wonderful man, funny as shit, bright, creates a feeling of a whole village of fun and safety and knock-around playfulness in one phone call, but you don't miss that he is a solid tribal elder and you can go to him with anything and he has a great way of making you look at your concern in a new way. And -- I hate his guts for this -- is a wonderful writer.

Anita Sharpe -- what a little knockout this girl is. She has surprised me more than anyone related to Worthwhile. I'm falling for her fast, because, honestly she is such a southern lady-fied lady, you might take her for rather conservative, but she's radically thoughtful and considerate and imaginative, and never what you expect. We had the funniest phone call where I thought she'd find the Worthwhile blog a big unweildly unruly lacking-in-basic-manners medium and ask me to start reeling the thing in -- but au contraire, mes amis -- she was way ahead of me on how experimental a blog can be and SHOULD be. She blows my mind. Magnificently inspirational leader. Wonderful writer. Great colleague. Go Girl.

Boris Anthony -- working with Boris is a blessing and he's so old (older than me by 1000's of years) and so young, but smart as a whip. Does not get easily rattled. Has great artistic breadth. Has been everywhere. Knows when to talk. Knows when to be quiet. I'm trying hard to grow up and turn into Boris one of these days. Of course, has killer techy chops, but deliciously flavored with graphic design sophistication. Is funny as hell. Is able to deal with me (no small thing). Is a good man. Is a good friend. Speaks French. Understands my broken crazy French. Has the sexiest voice -- the reason I NEVER call him on the phone. Loves the right cheeses. Savors life. Rare person.

David Weinberger -- I could gush, but might restrain myself, because David hates it when I gush. I love love love love David. He's so David. Can be annoying when being the worry wart, but all sins are forgiven because he is a mega-mensch and good and reasonable and kind and insanely funny. What a fucking great writer. And he's very good at being married -- I love that about him. No flirty funny business ever, but of course this only makes him that much more stealthily sexy. David, you blushing? Not to worry. It's your big brain that gets me hot.

Tom Peters -- Whoa Nelly! Man oh man oh man. He's always got my leadership body and innovation brain in full workout mode at the gym. He challenges everything I ever think and makes me lift weights intellectually way beyond my usual settings. I'm pumping innovation iron that I didn't think I could handle with this guy. Intense. Oh yes. Generous and funny -- yeah yeah yeah. Alpha Male -- you betcha. Love his writing. Killer presentation style.

Rebecca Ryan -- Just getting to know her, but isn't she cool?! I like her very very much and want to go live in her town with her and in her world with her and I am honored she has the time to share those very things with us, up close and personal, on the blog. She gives good voice. On the day I got divorced and was shattered for the most part and could not write for Worthwhile, she wrote a wonderful piece and it made me so happy that day to see her stuff, I really appreciated it.

Kate Yandoh -- Of course, Kate and I know we are evil girl twins, she the dark daring brunette, me the spoiled nutty blonde. We keep finding out weird coincidences like we went to the same college and we think a lot of the same things and wait til she sees me dance -- I know she loves to dance, but wait til she hears how much I love to dance. Wait til she hears how I was almost became an Arthur Murray dance instructor but went to work for a software company instead, right after I graduated from college. Kate is young as a kid but hangs out with CEO's and started her own company a long time ago when she was a microkid. She is so cool. I have serious Yandoh Envy and she is such a great writer. What a super treat to know her. I love her black hair, especially since I'm blond and if she were blond, I'd just have to kill her instead of be friends with her.

David Batstone -- David is annoying me by writing such damned great stuff and having so much success and being so smart and doing fascinating interviews out of the blue with incredible people and hiding out on the West Coast, unwilling (wisely) to give me his IM address. It's a great thing to know him and I'm so glad some Worthwhile Angel steered him our way. I made him meet me and David Weinberger on a cold icy bench in a freezing cold park in Brookline one day a few months ago -- his trial by fire -- and he passed with flying colors and now I just think he's terrific.

Long Lost Lucre

I had an IRA account I set up in 1998 in California. One thing about divorce is you really have to get your financial house in order. I feel like Lara Croft or something, wearing my safari clothes, as I dig dig dig to find everything I need in this jungle of bills, certificates, 401K's, SEP's, IRAs.

This IRA wasn't a big account, only $2,000 originally, but I have to put it in the mix with all the other stuff as we dismantle our financial marriage. The last statement I had was from 1998. They actually spelled my name SVITT instead of SUITT, and they never made the CA--->MA address change so it had ended up in "Abandoned Accounts" according to a really helpful nice guy on the other end of the phone. He told me the balance (the data I needed right away), the way to reclaim it, like an orphaned baby, and what to do to resolve it. Thanks Fidelity, really appreciate your help.

Old Stories

I've been finding lots of things as I do this massive spring cleaning. I found a lot of old stories I'd written -- hurray -- which I thought were lost.

Here are some of the titles. I'll be posting them.

Sake Club
What is Lionel Worth?
The Seduction of Bill Bolton
To Have And To Hold
Cast Members

Cleaning House

I've been SERIOUSLY cleaning house. I got a really lovely woman to come help me and she's been helping me declutter. She's kindof a maid/genius/organizer/no nonsense woman. What a treat! I am building a clean new life with a lot less STUFF in it. Out with the old, in with the new.

"Come Away From The Window"

I have French neighbors with the cutest little doll of a 2-year-old girl and this morning she was peeking at me out her window, as I dragged the garbage out for trash and recycle day. I'm blond like her.

I have tight, washed out blue jeans on and a navy cotton teeshirt on, bright pink flip-flops, my toes are lacquered bright pink, my fingers too, happy jellybean bright pink, as they clutch the black trash bags, she's looking at me and at first, I don't know it but then I look up and see her face. She's not staring, she's nearly memorizing me. Seriously, she doesn't smile, she's just intently watching my every move.

Writer. She's a writer. I think to myself, yes, and I smile.

I think of me at the window. Me at the window at 2, at 3, at 13, at 23, at 33, at 43 ... I was always watching. I liked to watch the blondes, they seemed to know their way around.

I look away, rearrange the trash bags, then turn back, she's gone.

In her house, I imagine her mother saying what mine would say sometimes -- something I hated and something that made me know they thought I was a little strange -- "come away from the window" they would say.

My Sense

Things are very up in the air right now. I feel like we are hanging high up on the hook of a tower crane, dizzying, perhaps about to drop, I hear the wind blowing about my ears, this is a precarious perch. We're about to see many things in our lives change shape, reform, reorganize.

Let me try to be more concrete ... the way we are living so dependent on oil will change, the big car thing will be changing, the credit card debt situation is changing, health care can't go on this way, with so many people uninsured, the way marriage works (doesn't work) is changing, the way big companies work (don't work) is changing, the way we think about family is changing, the way we treat people -- our notions of kindness and fairness in this world -- is changing, and this last one has a lot to do with women demanding a new respect and position in the world. Coming out from under the burqua. Women are changing many big things by making many small changes. They have no idea how much they are changing things.

Halley's Garden

I guess this is where it all started.

Enough Blogging

I've been having a number of conversations -- I might say coincidental conversations -- with top bloggers who are getting very tired of blogging. You'll notice I've cut back too lately.

Reading Andrew Sullivan's post on "Blog Fatigue" with the great line, "I begin to wonder what the half-life of a blogger is" and his pointer to Glenn Reynolds's confession of deep fatigue confirms this as well. They sound plain tuckered out.

Betsy Devine and I were talking about this yesterday at lunch. No surprise this is happening as the weather goes from spring to summer. I told her I just don't have the inclination to be hibernating at my desk, when I can be out and about with my son, riding bikes, playing Little League, eating ice cream.

The winter months spent inside warming one's hands in front of the computer monitor hearth made some sort of sense that makes no sense now.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Why I Plan To Live Until 2061

There's a very good reason. I'll get to see my namesake again!

Are These People From Another Planet?

Just got an alleged email from Citibank that reads, and I am quoting verbatim, in fact, simply cutting and pasting:

Dear CITI_bank Cardholders,

ThIs mesage was sent by_the Citicards serevr to veerify _your _EMAIL adrress_.
You must complete this process by clicking on the link beloww and enttering
in the litle winddow your _citibank_ Atm/Debit full card_nummber and Pin that
you_use in local_Atm_Machine. This_is done for your protection -1- because some_of our
memmbers _no_longer_ have access to their email addersses and we must verify it

Are these people from another planet? Do they really think anyone in the world would believe this is a real Citibank email?

Charles Hotel Truly Excellent

Ole Eichhorn wrote this great post about The Charles Hotel. I love it too. I was there today and they are always welcoming and top notch. If you're in Boston, it's worth whatever price to stay there. [Via Scripting]

Alpha Male Affairs

A lot of men I know are pretty cool with the idea of a relationship where they get to stray every now and then -- they ARE men, right? -- but honestly the idea of their wife or girlfriend having something on the side gets them completely crazy. There should be a name for this half-open relationship. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe men want to be just as faithful as women. But that's not the sense I get.

One thing comes up again and again in this discussion. Most men will confide in me that the really scary part is that they can have affairs and NOT fall in love with another woman, but their experience has been that if their wife or girlfriend has an affair, she has an affair of the body AND the heart.

I think there is something to this -- but it doesn't say anything good for men. Do they really only love with their bodies? I don't know. I've known some VERY romantic men who fall head over heels despite their best intentions to keep it all about sex. I've always thought the term "safe sex" was an oxymoron. There's nothing safe about sex and even more dangerous ... is love.

I Am Elmer J. Fudd

If you haven't seen this excellent Bugs Bunny cartoon, you're nowhere man!

Elmer Fudd runs a big corporation downtown, but goes nutty and ends up in a lunatic asylum, having delusions of being a rabbit. He talks Bugs Bunny into taking his place in the loony bin. Bugs walks around chanting the following mantra:

"I am Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire; I own a mansion and a yacht."

And here are a few zillion of his other famous quotes.

You Bet, Bets

Betsy, lunch today? Your blog's down so I couldn't get an update. What's shaking girl?

Monday, May 10, 2004

Just A Comment on Ev and Eric and Boris

Ev Williams and Eric Case get my honorary Alpha Male awards today -- and also Boris Anthony -- for helping me get comments up and running! Thanks guys, you're terrific. And btw, it doesn't take 3 guys to do it -- I just happened to screw it up so totally, I needed more help than usual.

I'm looking at that thing up there that says UPLOAD FILE and I get the sneaking suspicion I can start putting pictures in this blog -- is that true?! Wow, if so. Very cool.

The new Blogger UI is way way cool. Love it.

Comments On Halley's Comments

Yes, you might notice I'm trying to get comments up and running. I've done something goofy with my template and Blogger Help is trying to help me fix it.

I have gone back and forth about adding comments, but now that it's a new integrated part of Blogger, it seems silly not to.

HOWEVER, I ask everyone to use their best Alpha Male Gentlemanly and Alpha Female Gentlewomanly manners here and if some nasty boys or mean trolls show up, feel free to write mean things back at them to defend me and eventually, I'll just end up deleting off-topic, stupid, obnoxious or perfectly GROSS comments anywho.

It's a bit like weeding a garden. Something bloggers just have to get used to I guess.

Yes, you might notice I'm trying to get comments up and running. I've done something goofy with my template and Blogger Help is trying to help me fix it.

I have gone back and forth about adding comments, but now that it's a new integrated part of Blogger, it seems silly not to.

HOWEVER, I ask everyone to use their best Alpha Male Gentlemanly and Alpha Female Gentlewomanly manners here and if some nasty boys or mean trolls show up, feel free to write mean things back at them to defend me and eventually, I'll just end up deleting off-topic, stupid, obnoxious or perfectly GROSS comments anywho.

It's a bit like weeding a garden. Something bloggers just have to get used to I guess.

Home Home On The Range

There is something about the 3:00am wilderness that lets you wander like a free ranging farm animal, finding a bit of grass to nibble here, finding an empty open prairie there, finding no bothersome people to run into, no fences to keep you fenced in, that I just plain love. I am home on my wide open range grazing the people-free zone of this dark night.


Seriously, what's really been going on is that after nearly two years of being separated, I got officially divorced on April 29th. It's as close to a orchestrating your own funeral as I've ever come. It's car-crash-frightening on some metaphorical level, and I ask forgiveness of those who've suffered real car crash loss, since divorce is only a paper crash and nothing near what they have experienced. So I guess I should say "it's tumultuous" as a better way to describe it. But actually, to be fair, there's no good way to describe it. And I haven't wanted to describe it. I've wanted to move on.

The white chalk lines of the bodies of a family are drawn on hard black asphalt outside the Cambridge Courthouse, and I pray for days of rain and some sun to wash the whole mess away. We had an accident. We all got injured. I try to understand what happened, was there something I could have done at the last minute, some way to drive the car of my marriage more expertly to avert the whole thing, but I think not. Credit where credit is due, the divorce was something I initiated, and still do believe it had to be done, but that seems like a long time ago -- a time when the idea of divorce made sense and seemed a better way to stay alive than suffering on in a marriage that was dead. Still, I know it hurt a lot of people, including me, and only wish for healing all around.

It Was The Middle

It was the middle ...
It was the middle ...
It was the middle of the night.

I keep thinking there's a song with those lyrics. Up at good old 3:30am since I went to bed before 9:00pm last night.

I haven't been writing at all for a pile of good and not-so-good reasons.

Actually I've been focusing seriously on all the email that I get that reads URGENT MESSAGE and I've been trying to help Nigerian monarchs reestablish their Swiss bank accounts. Surely they need my help they send me so many messages.

New Blogger Interface

I don't know what I was going to blog about -- but it has been officially pushed to the sidelines as I marvel at the new Blogger interface.

Oooooh! Aaaah! Neaty Keeno!

So clean and nice bold typeface.

Love it. Now if I could only go to that Blogger party in SF ... when was it again?

Friday, May 07, 2004

Author-In-Residence for National Center For Women And Information Technology

I know I haven't been blogging too much lately, but believe me I've been more than busy.

First of all, I've been chosen by the NCWIT to serve as Author-in-Residence, to help them document the process of building their new organization at U of Colorado, Boulder. Check out this link. I'm very excited and honored to be working with this terrific group.

Here's their mission statement. I'll be in Boulder in two weeks to kick things off.
The mission of the National Center for Women and Information Technology is to ensure that women are fully represented in the influential world of information technology. Through a nationally connected effort of programs, networks and research, the Center will work to guarantee that women’s perspectives and skills contribute significantly to the creation and application of information technology.
This will complement my work at Misbehaving.Net where I owe them some new blogging and will be sure to be doing just that soon, as well as my writing at Worthwhile Magazine.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Pal Joi

Hadn't been reading Joi Ito's great blog enough lately but took time to do it yesterday and hit on a post I was particularly intriqued by --- about the Japanese hostage situation and their notions of apology and their social default parameter to put the collective before the individual.

The part that got me going, is this leap from Joi's description of the Japanese's natural self-effacing posture as a society and what this means for them in terms of being entrepreneurs. Joi suggests it's not a good thing. I agree.

"An important psychological element is that even though we are individuals, we often represent the group. I have something like 16 or so generations before me on my gravestone and I often feel like a mere blip in the history of my family. Taking risk or tainting my family name is not something that I can freely do without feeling the guilt and responsibility to my ancestors.

It's also interesting to note that most Japanese children's cartoons have story lines where they are a team. Often one of the members get in trouble or drop out of the group and the whole show is about how the group tries to help the drop out get back in tune with the group. It's usually the group saving the single "problem" member. On the other hand, many American cartoons are super-heros who are independent and save the world through taking risk and being different. I know I'm generalizing here, but people who watch a lot of Japanese TV will understand what I'm saying I think.


Although I understand what the NYT article is saying and I don't necessarily agree with the way the hostages are being treated and picked on right now, I think that lack of initial apologies and the feeling of Japanese to heroics in Japan is behind the reaction. Having said that, I think this attitude is what is hampering Japan's entrepreneurism as well as Japan's ability to participate as a leader in global affairs. It's a fairly deeply rooted cultural theme that won't change very easily though."

[BTW, Joi is pronounced Joey, just for the record.]

Insomnia, My Little Lover

I sure talk too much about sleeping here at H's Comment, but being up since 3:15am and it now rolling around to that late hour of nearly 4:00am, I thought I'd weigh in one more time.

To keep myself from getting overly fretful and saying the "I" word -- yes, insomnia --I play little games with myself. I think, for instance, of a hit parade of Times In Other Zones You Can Learn To Love. This can calm me down surprisingly well.

It's a more than reasonable time of nearly 10:00am in London. Tea, please.

It's a party-til-I-drop time of the-night-is-still-young 1:00am in LA. Teeny bikini, tiny martini, please.

It's time to push a stroller around a pretty park on Sunday afternoon in Tokyo. Nori crackers, please, lovely desu ne.

It's next winter and third Tuesday after Boxing Day in Australia or some insane thing. Must have beer.

It's all the way you look at it.

And honestly kids, I go to bed around 9:00pm, so 3:00am is really 6:00am for you guys who go to bed at midnight-ish. Just gotta play with the math a bit.

Anyway, I was rather rudely awakened this morning, as I mentioned around 3:00am, to a loud noise that sounded like an explosion. I just don't have time for terrorist fantasies anymore, so I chalked it up to "One More Noise In The Neighborhood You'll Never Find Out About" -- that odd phenomenon that despite the veritable inondation of news and gossip and bloggery and every piece of data coming at us 24X7, getting the goods on local noises outside your actual bedroom window remains nearly impossible.

My kid and I found a dead squirrel on the road outside our house here yesterday ... what happened? He looked spooky, paws frozen in hanging-from-a-ledge position, like something scary from The Shining, surely it was more than a suburban motorist's poor driving skills afoot. We will never know.

But back to my insomnia. He's like a lover with a hard-on who wants to tell you all about it, poking you awake at 3:00am uninvited. This morning I thought first, "Listen Buster, beat it. Leave me alone." And then got a little more cranky, thinking, "This insomnia might just kill my writing career -- I'm so tired all the time, I can't think straight, much less write."

But "Wait!" thinks I, "Baloney! This insomnia is the only reason I EVER write at all!" So ... I guess It's time to embrace you, my shameless lover and say "You again? Okay, okay. Give me a minute to get in position. Good morning, you sexy brute! I give up. I give in. Roll me over and I'll give you the time of day."

But first, please, somebody tell me ... what happened to that squirrel and what was that loud boom?

Cool Blog

Via Andrew Sullivan, don't miss this blog, Famous and Nonfamous Strangers. They've also launched the Virginia Is For Haters blog, to protest the new laws in the state of Virginia against gays and lesbians.