Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Long Lost Lucre

I had an IRA account I set up in 1998 in California. One thing about divorce is you really have to get your financial house in order. I feel like Lara Croft or something, wearing my safari clothes, as I dig dig dig to find everything I need in this jungle of bills, certificates, 401K's, SEP's, IRAs.

This IRA wasn't a big account, only $2,000 originally, but I have to put it in the mix with all the other stuff as we dismantle our financial marriage. The last statement I had was from 1998. They actually spelled my name SVITT instead of SUITT, and they never made the CA--->MA address change so it had ended up in "Abandoned Accounts" according to a really helpful nice guy on the other end of the phone. He told me the balance (the data I needed right away), the way to reclaim it, like an orphaned baby, and what to do to resolve it. Thanks Fidelity, really appreciate your help.