Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Are These People From Another Planet?

Just got an alleged email from Citibank that reads, and I am quoting verbatim, in fact, simply cutting and pasting:

Dear CITI_bank Cardholders,

ThIs mesage was sent by_the Citicards serevr to veerify _your _EMAIL adrress_.
You must complete this process by clicking on the link beloww and enttering
in the litle winddow your _citibank_ Atm/Debit full card_nummber and Pin that
you_use in local_Atm_Machine. This_is done for your protection -1- because some_of our
memmbers _no_longer_ have access to their email addersses and we must verify it

Are these people from another planet? Do they really think anyone in the world would believe this is a real Citibank email?