Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Alpha Male Affairs

A lot of men I know are pretty cool with the idea of a relationship where they get to stray every now and then -- they ARE men, right? -- but honestly the idea of their wife or girlfriend having something on the side gets them completely crazy. There should be a name for this half-open relationship. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe men want to be just as faithful as women. But that's not the sense I get.

One thing comes up again and again in this discussion. Most men will confide in me that the really scary part is that they can have affairs and NOT fall in love with another woman, but their experience has been that if their wife or girlfriend has an affair, she has an affair of the body AND the heart.

I think there is something to this -- but it doesn't say anything good for men. Do they really only love with their bodies? I don't know. I've known some VERY romantic men who fall head over heels despite their best intentions to keep it all about sex. I've always thought the term "safe sex" was an oxymoron. There's nothing safe about sex and even more dangerous ... is love.