Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lincoln Park After Dark

All the hip chics know "Lincoln Park After Dark" was one of the first and best black nail polishes ever made, even though it was really dark purple. And the same savvy nail painters know OPI is the top brand when it comes to coolest colors.

I was thinking about why we girls love pretty painted claws. Well, I've tipped my hand so to speak, by choosing the word "claws" haven't I?

That's the thing. We want to seem dangerous when we really aren't all that wild. But there's something fun about plunking down your fingers with dark, shiny nails warding off other animals in the jungle. We are fierce! We are feral! Those ten digits scream it.

And there are the brights (check the link) that announce, it's time for 1960's flower power fun! And the slightly trashy Euro colors of burgundies and bordeaux. They scream mistress instead of nice married lady.

They let you travel the world from Bangalore to Berlin and back, or even time trip back to being Nefertiti one day or into the future as a silver-nailed space godess out to get a hot date with a rocketman, the next evening.