Saturday, March 22, 2008

No Particular Place To Go

That's a line from a song, but I can't remember what song ... I guess I'll Google it later to remember. But it certainly describes this weekend, where I put big X's through the calendar pages, decided to DO NOTHING, just take it easy, and so far so good. My kid is with his dad celebrating Easter and I'm sure having a lovely time, so that gets me off the marshmellow peeps and painted eggs hook. I'm usually into all the celebrating, but this weekend, I decided to just it easy, read when I wanted to read, sleep when I wanted to sleep, eat when I wanted to sleep and enjoy NOT having any particular task or place to go.

I was reading the Bible, just checking on something. I wanted to read about The Last Supper ... and I was wondering, wasn't it actually a Passover Seder? And yes, it was. I read the "betray me" parts. I talked with a friend about that. I remember a lot of very busy Easters in past years where I did a lot of cooking and egg coloring and dashing to church and really NEVER had a quiet moment to read the Bible and actually THINK about this holiday. I had time to read the ingredients in malted milk ball candy-coated speckled eggs, but not the Bible.

Deep breath, deep breath again. Ah, now this is a fine holiday ... read: HOLY Day ... to very quietly inch up on this Jesus thing and try to understand it. Even in the staid language of the King James Bible, you get a sense of this man/myth Jesus person as so amazingly powerful in his spiritual knowing. He knew. He knew and believed and had the faith. He walked it.