Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Other Girls Were NEVER Quite Like This

I think I'll never get over the simplicity of the tunes, rhythms, words, ideas and especially the rhymes of the Beatles songs. They are brilliantly simple and do something really well in a really simple -- seemingly easy -- way, which of course is really hard to do. There's not much they miss.

And they talk about love and kisses and tears and longing better than just about anyone ever has in rock.

Listen to :

I've Just Seen A Face

I've just seen a face
I can't forget the time or place
where we just met ...

She's just the girl for me
And I want all the world to see we've met
Hmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm ...

and you can hear that hurly-burly falling down a flight of stairs falling in love stuff as he tries to recall the scene of the crime -- where he met this girl, the time and place. It has a hurtling forward pace that's "cherchez la femme" at top speed.

He can't explain it but he knows he's falling. And the opening guitar vamp of that crazy inebriated swirly bubbles going down the drain -- or up -- sound gets you ready to be swept off your feet.

The frisky guitar and the "Mmmm Mmmmm Mmmm" lyric is brilliant because for a lyricist to throw a line like that (which is so purposeful) and says in so many words, "I don't even know what to say -- I'm THAT taken by this girl." (Reminds me of the early brill Taupin lyrics like "I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue" in Your Song. It's that lyricist-so-smitten-he-can't-even-write-a-line pose.)

And the guitar solo with its intentional energetic pounding, has the same feeling of -- "Hey, I gotta figure this thing out."

Great song. John Lennon's voice -- what can you say? Only the best. The best ever.