Saturday, March 13, 2004

Spring Cleaning: Ant

I wonder if normal people -- not writers like me -- can vacuum their rug, suck up a bunch of cookie crumbs, then accidently, really really really it was an ACCIDENT, suck up an ant and then NOT spend a good bit of the day imagining what that ant is doing in there and if he was torn limb-from-limb or not and did he happen to find those cookie crumbs and did he head-butt a little comfortable place out, a bit like an ant cave, maybe more like a swinging ant bachelor pad and is dining on those cookies and feeling altogether sanguine that another girl ant might be swept into his lair any minute. Maybe he's having a pretty good day.

But wait.

What I really need to know is if there are normal people who suck up cookie crumbs, suck up an ant, and never think twice about it ever again.

And the big question -- could I become one of those people?

And would that be good?


He needs a little lava lamp.