Thursday, March 11, 2004

He Who Hesitates Is Lost

For the most part, I subscribe to this worldview more than just about any other. I had a wonderful conversation the other day with Ole Eichhorn about this very thing. We were talking about entrepreneurs and the ones who really HOLD THE SECRET -- which is best summed up in the following statement:


Or as I was kidding around with him saying, "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." By which I mean, if you have a great idea and don't execute it -- you're nowhere. If you have a great idea and even execute a small part of it and do that BADLY, you're still ahead of the guy who's got the idea knocking around in his head, not in the world. Nothing helps you figure out what to do to make something perfect better than first doing it imperfectly.

We were saying it's a bit like walking through a door -- you just have to get up and walk through that door. Maybe it's a door to a party, and when you walk through, there might be people who don't like you or don't want to talk to you, but WHO CARES!?!?!?! At least you're IN THE PARTY, IN THE GAME,