I was talking to a friend about worrying. We all worry about so many things. So today I propose you make a list of everything you WORRY about and then a list of everything you consider FUN.WORRY LIST
Look at the WORRY LIST. Write down everything you worry about. Number it. Put a big red circle around the things that you are able to improve by worrying about them. Things you have control over. Things that you're busy fixing by getting upset about. Lot of red circles? Or none?
Look at the FUN LIST. First of all, make sure you have twice as many numbered entries on the Fun List as on the Worry List. Number them. If you have 10 worries, for instance, give yourself 20 numbered (even blank at this point) slots on the Fun List. If you can't think of anything fun to fill up the 20 slots, get to work imagining some or ask others, friends, family, co-workers to give you ideas.
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