Sunday, January 11, 2004

More Gotcha Stuff -- Paula You Should Know Better

Joe Trippi catches Paula Zahn playing "Gotcha!" from what I can read here. Didn't see the interview.

She did exactly what he commented about here in The Washington Post in September 2003.
The Clark boomlet followed Howard Dean's anointment as the Democratic front-runner, when reporters started playing up his gaffes and misstatements on subjects ranging from race relations to Medicare. But the assault had little impact on the former Vermont governor, whose fundraising soared after a widely panned performance on "Meet the Press."

Voters have "a growing disdain for this sort of 'gotcha' reporting and 'gotcha' politics," says Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi. Besides, he says, "the connection between this campaign and its supporters is much more personal. They trust Howard Dean more than they trust the establishment or a lot of the press that they view as part of Washington."