Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I Promised I Know

I promised to offer you Alpha Males some help with great Valentine's Day gifts. It's easy to find gifts. What's hard is to pick the appropriate one. It all depends on your situation.

If you've been married 25 years, or 10 or 2 you're looking at a very different scenario. If you've got a new girl you're courting and haven't even kissed, be VERY careful. Buy her this and you come off looking like wolf -- Little Red Riding Hood may run for her life. Buy her this and she'll think you're just not interested, or think you're dissing her coffee making abilities.

There are time-tested solutions, especially for early relationships. Try the old standards -- yep, flowers and ... if she's not on a diet ... maybe chocolates, but eat them with her, better still, feed her.