Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I Like Lance A Lot

I actually do like Lance Knobel a lot, but also like Dean. Read his interesting post from London about expatriates wanting to be involved with Dean. BTW, Lance used to be involved in organizing Davos where he knew tons of influential people. Now he's doing even more interesting things and working with REALLY important folks.

I would say thanks to Dave Winer for the post and give him a link, except last week he swiped some of my content without a link or credit, so I'm not in the mood to be nice or magnanimous. In fact, the most fun thing in the world is coming up on February 9th where he and I will both be on Doc's panel at O'Reilly's Emerging Democracy thing. I expect we'll be acting like big brats, but it will be really fun to watch, since we'll probably be kicking one another under the table and putting plastic spiders in one another's water glasses and pulling the chair out from behind one another's behinds to make us fall on our tushes. You can expect very adult behavior.

Just kidding -- I always love to hear what Winer has to say --- don't always agree with him -- but respect the energy with which he asserts his position.

Doc writes about the upcoming conference here.