Friday, January 23, 2004

Dave Is Right

Winer has wise words this morning. Don't miss them. Listen to what he reminds us about Dean, the man:

He's not an actor, he's not a commercial, he's not a deodorant, he's not a product, and I'm glad we have a chance to have this discussion. I'm not a Dean supporter (yet, but I'm getting there) and they didn't ask me to say this, but please, it's time for the press to let us have an election, or maybe it's time for us to have an election without them.
To be fair, I AM A BIG SUPPORTER OF DEAN, and I am partisan, but I'm partisan for all the same reasons he lists here and also because I've been inside the campaign too. It's a campaign about letting citizens vote -- not media people, not other pundits, not other candidates -- it's not JUST about taking back the country, it's about taking back the political process.