Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Big NewsGator News

Sounds like a lot is cooking out in Las Vegas at the CES show. They're cooking up a big alligator gumbo, I mean NewsGator gumbo. Lots of new announcements like -- new NewsGator 2.0 released, new NewsGator online services and all sorts of other aggregator stuff.

And I love that it's upper case N lower case ews and then upper case G and then lower case ator, it's much more fun than a plain old Newsgator.

Whenever I hear the name NewsGator I want a new pair of sexy alligator slingbacks and a matching alligator purse -- but of course, REAL alligator is no longer politically correct or cool, for that matter, but NewsGator sure is. Everyone will be wearing it this spring, I mean, using it.