Monday, December 01, 2003

The Desires Of Young Men Revisited

I read something Scoble wrote about walking around the Stanford campus, in particular, about Leland Stanford the man and railroad baron who started the university. He goes on to ponder the many businesses founded in Silicon Valley and what was behind their spawning.

I started to think of what young men see in their lives that make them strive to build things in the world, want things, desire power, position, prestige. I only mention young men because my son is already desirous of building buildings, inventing things. Do girl children see the world the same way? What is behind a young woman's desire to change the world, start businesses, gain power?

I posted a mention of this title yesterday "The Desires of Young Men" and said I'd write about it later. The first person who asked me about it was Scott Johnson, an entrepreneur, a founder of a number of companies and the co-founder of Feedster. He's obviously reading his feeds, and is just the kind of young man full of desire to improve the world that I was thinking about.