Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Read It And Weep

I keep reading statistics about how there are more and more blogs being written and no one is READING blogs. I think that's completely silly and not true. I read a lot of blogs. I read links to a lot of other blogs when I go off to read my usual blogs. Tonight I went over to read Doc and loved his pointer to Eric Raymond's blog. I love Eric's writing, and to my mind, being one of the sexiest men I've ever met, he can write about porn and how he feels about it anytime. I loved what he wrote. I read most of the blogs on my blogroll. I read blogs that those blogs link to. I google things that those blogs refer to and run into other blogs in that way. I do regular ordinary google searches and find new blogs in the results. I often look at my referrer log and go read blogs that are listed there. I read blogs to keep up with friends -- to know who's moving to Boston, who's travelling to Florida, who's relocated to LA, who's kid is sick, who's site's been redesigned and so on.

So what's with all this "nobody reads blogs" baloney? I don't believe it for one minute.