Saturday, November 08, 2003

Dean And The Networks

Everything about this campaign is unprecedented and more exciting by the minute. When Dean polled his supporters -- wasn't it all about demonstrating the amazing network of support he's built, not about the money he needs to raise to put commercials on network TV?

Watch the battle royale play out this Christmas. Bush will play Santa by bringing home all the swiss cheese half-shot up soldiers (the ones that are still alive) and flooding the TV networks with sentimental family photos. When we're not being served up a platter of that schmaltz, we'll be hearing about how great his economy is.

If you build a network like Dean has built and create momentum like he has created, I expect you don't need to spend every last dime trying to buy votes with expensive ads on TV. Dean supporters need to start the TURN OFF YOUR TV campaign. We're sick of those networks and all their lies, we're building one of our own.