Monday, November 03, 2003

Boston Goes Bangalore

This piece from today's Boston Globe by Chris Gaither "US workers see hard times -- High-tech firms tout outsourcing as crucial to survival" is certainly depressing. It poses the disturbing question, "Why pay software programmers a decent wage, when you can outsource their work to India or China and pay the suckers over there 1/10th the salary?"

When you read it, you are tempted to think of it personally and if you're in high-tech, your mind scrambles to come up with a "work-around" -- to imagine a new way to find work. But even if you can come up with one, what it means to the ENTIRE economy long-term is pretty upsetting. The post I did about the "Neutron Bomb Economy" below might be more accurate than even I wanted to believe when I wrote it.