Friday, November 07, 2003

The Big Conversation

I knew it was coming. There's just too much out there for it not to grab his attention. My 8-year old son wanted to know about sex yesterday. Actually he wanted to know if something a kid at school had told him about what "sex" was right.

We'd been talking about a lady with a baby we saw on the street. I said something about when a mom and a dad decide to have a baby.

He asked me, "How do you just DECIDE to have a baby?"

"Well," I started.

"A kid at school told me something really weird about it," he said.

There was no going back. We were on our way to buy ice skates.

I find you can discuss a lot of heavy things in a car -- especially if you're the driver because you are forced to look at the road and that just makes it easier on everyone.