Sunday, October 26, 2003

Radical Clockotomy

Well, I did it ... wandered around the house turning the clocks back. But I did more than that, I finally took the radical step to put them all on the EXACT time and not the ill-conceived mis-set 10-minutes ahead ones in the bedroom and bathroom, to try to keep me from being late and the ones in the rest of the house reasonably on time.

This mess of uncoordinated clocks was getting me down. I never knew what the hell time it was -- except by looking at my Sprint phone with its satellite spot-on time. The whole silly idea that I'd avoid lateness by tricking myself has just gotten too ridiculous. Who's kidding who, I'm always late.

So, time to turn over a new leaf. No more fudging it -- just give me the right time right now and I may actually be able to simply kick my butt out the door on time.