Friday, October 10, 2003

Ch'i Cheat Sheet

I have this laminated card that is a Chakra and Ch'i Cheat Sheet. I think someone somewhere must have dreamed it up to help young seekers pass some big Existential SAT or GMAT exam somewhere in this universe. I find it both helpful and strange. Anything laminated seems handy and helpful to me. Resists stains and all.

I'm most decidedly stuck in the Sacral. I'm Orange. I'm Below the Navel. I'm in Svadhisthana big time. It's about "Relationships, Sexuality, Intimacy, Abode of Kundalini" Yep. It talks about Prana. My cheat sheet talks about Ch'i. Being stuck above the genitals and below the navel isn't all bad. I can escape, my laminated card told me so,

But honestly my prana is nowhere. I mean I'm not even close to the 7th Chakra. I'm stuck in 2nd gear. But there's hope. I can transcend the subtle bodies of man ... or at least, transcend the subtle bodies of some men. Maybe it's like being a Girl Scout or a Brownie and some how or other, you fly up and make it into Manipura just in the nick of time and you're headed home free before you know it.

But I'm sure not there yet.