Thursday, September 18, 2003

Total Diet Cheater

I ate the worst crap yesterday but I did manage to workout! Big mistake -- go to COSTCO as you suspect Dr. Phil's book will be way cheap there. Hunch was right, it was cheap there. But, going there at lunchtime wasn't a brilliant idea. I mean all those nice little retired ladies offering me free food samples -- you can't be impolite and say no, right?!

And then the hotdog with sauerkraut and a Coke for $1.50 is such a good deal -- I couldn't resist. Hebrew National hotdog -- their logo and tagline had me mesmerized as I sat there eating it under their red and yellow kosher umbrella -- "We Answer To A Higher Authority" Sheesh, their hotdogs are like manna from heaven.

Got a little mustard on Dr. Phil's face -- whoops!

Hope Day Two goes better.