Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Salty See

I keep meaning to blog about seeing salt. And yesterday when it started to rain, I remembered I need to blog about that too -- seeing raindrops.

I know you're probably sick of me gawking at this beautiful world with my new post-op eye, but one very unusual thing that keeps happening is seeing enormous detail that I was NOT seeing before.

That's what I meant about salt. A few days after my surgery, I was sitting down to eat some scrambled eggs and I picked up the salt shaker and nearly jumped into the air as I saw all these big white boulders actually coming out the holes! It was amazing. It was sad then suddenly. I realized I'd gotten accustomed to NOT seeing salt. I simply couldn't see it coming out of a salt shaker. I thought it was something you really couldn't see unless you looked really really close.

This made me realize how I must have been over- or under-salting everything for years!

And as a writer, I felt really sad that I hadn't been seeing it. It looks very pretty and rather lively to see these little white dots flying out the holes.

And then there's rain. Must have been a week or so after my surgery. I had gone outside and I had the hood of my raincoat lowered and then, I turned and had the strangest sensation -- I ducked -- as there seemed to be all these things falling on me -- it was like a box of clear soda straws had fallen from a high shelf onto my head -- I was noticing all these little things shooting in my direction. It was rain. Individual raindrops. My sight is so new, nothing is routine and as people who have seen these things for years would take no notice of them, I'm reacting like someone's throwing a ball right in my face. I startle easily the first time I notice something that had been a blur before. It was incredible to see raindrops. Incredibly beautiful. Although rather disconcerting at first.

I still have the old eye to compare -- shut one, look out of the other. What a dirty, smudgy little window pane it is, poor thing. Soon to be fixed up like the other one. I watched the rain with the bad eye yesterday as I waited for my son to arrive home on the school bus. There were no drops, just a hazy greyness and some puddles. Flip to the good eyes, someone is writing fine lines etched against pine trees, silver sparks of rain, I'm living in a gorgeous piece of artwork, a 3D masterpiece you can actually reach out and touch. Ahhh.