Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Adam Curry -- September 2 Blogger Honor Roll Winner

Adam is a terrific blogger, and I recommend that everyone keep up with his blog. But the really important gem on his site is an essay he wrote in May of 2002. I'm STILL thinking about it.

It's called The Big Lie, and it addresses transparency, the media and blogging. I think it's worth revisiting, or if you've never read it, go read it right away. Although it takes events in Dutch politics as a jumping off point, which many Americans will find confusing (shame on our American-centric political naivete), I think it will prove prescient when it comes to our current political situation in America and the role blogs will play in the future. Listen to this:

"There Are No Secrets

This has been the tagline of my weblog for years.

Now that the internet has empowered any man or woman to have a voice, the truth can be found.


Our task here is to ensure the truth remains openly exposed.

We have the tools to do this. "

Of course the tools he's referring to, are weblogs.