Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Good Weekend For Books

If you live in the Northeast, I'm sure you've seen the Memorial Day Weekend weather forecast ... ugh ....five days of rain starting tomorrow. Glad we had sun at the beginning of this week. Good weekend for books, get some. I'm heading out to Connecticut on vacation, so my blog posts will be slowing down a bunch.

Make sure to see this TOTALLY ALPHA MALE movie, Down With Love. It is really funny. If the lead character, Catcher Block is not the ultimate Alpha Male, I don't know who is. If you liked the movie, here's Amazon's list of books that Down With Love viewers should read. BTW, I may have said a lot of things about men, but nothing as degrading as "Men Are Like Fish" which you'll see is one of the titles on the list -- a title a MAN chose to describe those of his own gender. Yikes.