Monday, March 24, 2003

Wondering Who I've Been Sleeping With?

Okay, I'll fess up. I've been sleeping with my friend's husband Jim -- we were together on Friday night -- at the Children's Museum in the Hall of Toys -- pretty hot, eh? No, really, I spent the whole night in the museum with Jim, his son and my son, both 2nd graders. And boy was it fun.

The Children's Museum sponsors overnight a few times a year and this one had a bunch of kids from his class, so it was really cool.

We got to build musical instruments, do African Dance and eat lots of treats.

At the end of the evening, we lay our sleeping bags out in the Hall of Toys, next to two big doll houses with tiny figures staring down at us from the small doors and windows in the house. I think they were wondering who the giants on their front lawn were and we were wondering who the tiny peeping toms were, looking right at us all night. It was actually an enormously fun adventure. I lay in the dark on the floor thinking of soldiers trying to sleep in the hard dirt. Of course, my son slept like he was on a feather mattress. How do they do that, these kids?