Sunday, March 23, 2003

Winer Sans Tivo -- Danger Will Robinson

Dave Winer is getting cozy in Cambridge and Harvard. Sending a big Halley's Comment Welcome today. But ut oh -- trouble on the radar -- no Tivo -- could be serious international ramifications. Dave Winer sans Tivo on Academy Awards night, oh no!

Remember this great piece he did on how a house is a form of outliner. Amazing to realize that house which he describes in that post, a house in Woodside, CA , which was a lovely, lively, well organized house a few months ago, is no longer standing. It will be fun to watch Dave organize his new place and see where it comes together and where it falls down, so to speak. No Tivo sucks. And since he'll be so busy with new projects, new friends, new everything, on would be tempted to say, well, he won't be watching TV anyway, but that's just the point -- you need Tivo watching for you even more.

BTW, Dave is doing incredibly cool stuff at Harvard building the blog infrastructure. We're all glad he's there. Harvard will never be the same -- and it's about time.