Thursday, October 24, 2002

El Beisbol

Watching the World Series with my son has been so much fun. At the ripe old age of 7, with three seasons of little league under his belt, he's quite the fan. He sits on the couch downing Gatorade and munching popcorn with me and then, all of a sudden out of the blue, roars "BARRY! BARRY! BARRY!" when Bonds come up at bat. He also likes Reggie Sanders. I'm nuts for Benito Santiago.

I used to watch baseball with my dad too and he loved to see his grandson in his little league outfit. In the late winter this year, we visited him in the nursing home at a time when he was not well and not talkative. On that particular day though, when he saw my son, he sat straight up and said, "Is it baseball season?"

What an odd game it was last night. The real turning point -- and it was a zen moment, I tell you -- was the weird way that ball rolled up the line and then Glaus scooped it up thinking it was foul and it wasn't. The whole game turned on that moment.