Monday, August 05, 2002

Listen Up!

Last summer I worked on an ecommerce project at Cap Gemini E&Y in Cambridge. It was great to work with John Jordan -- what did the WSJ call him -- something along the lines of eminent researcher and brainiac -- but even more fun in a way, was meeting Liz Ewing, his research assistant, an intern from Duke University, who did some great digging, sifting, sorting, researching, editing and writing for the project. She and I really hit it off.

Liz went to Spain for her fall semester and unlike most carefree college juniors, spent the time there in an uneasy fashion -- since her mother was home in Texas fighting ovarian cancer. By this spring, things were worse and Liz's mom passed away recently.

Liz has a blog called Liz'n Up where she's posted her writings about her mom's illness and death. Don't miss it.