Monday, April 22, 2002

Ye New Human's Movement

Under the title Ye Olde Women's Movement, Dan Pink writes today (on his terrific blog) about a very old book discovered in England called Woman's Worth (circa 1640) on women's superiority to men. Boy, I'll bet her husband shoved that to the back of the drawer ... or probably hid it in the barn.

Meanwhile, my trend-o-meter has been getting very strong readings for the past year or so that we're leaving feminism behind and entering a new HUMANIST movement.

The "powerful woman" is recalibrating the out-of-whack yin/yang balance everywhere. Women don't necessarily want to run everything — just most things and have the same privileges and fun boys have been enjoying for years and years. Most of us have realized we've been seriously sidelined from running the world and that's about to change. Take a look at the world, have men done such a bang-up job?

Are these new women -- let's call them neo-humanists -- the boring drab serious feminists of yesteryear? No way. They are vastly more dangerous because they're smart AND sexy. How many clues do you need?

In music, check out Destiny's Child, Independent Woman. Madonna's What It Feel Like To Be A Girl. In cartoons, you surely haven't missed The Powerpuff Girls. In movies, Charlie's Angels, Lara Croft — Tomb Raider and even Legally Blonde gives you a tip that they will use an arsenal of deadly force — peroxide, pedicure, Harvard Law degree.

For books, don't miss The Alphabet Versus The Goddess, it's a real mind-blower. Also, demographically speaking, you better read the introduction to The Wisdom of Menopause, by Christiane Northup. Honestly, can you imagine so many women going through "the change" in America all at once demanding at home, at work, and in the streets what they've been denied for so long. Oh, shit!