Sunday, April 21, 2002

Earache in China

Oh no! Sounds like our blogmeister, David Weinberger and his son are about to experience Chinese medicine. In his latest blog for the, David says his son Nathan's got sharp pains in his ear.

I hope it goes well for Nathan. I've never had worse pain myself than earache pain and I've never had a more harrowing parental experience than caring for a kid with an earache.

There's a big lag with his blog entries, so Nathan's probably well by now. I'm wondering if the lag is on David's part and I don't think it is. If I have my Handspring CityTime World Clock working correctly, they are 12 hours ahead which means David should almost be able to submit a Sunday morning blog on our Saturday night. Is the Globe stupidly slowing down the process by overediting?