Saturday, January 19, 2002

Ce que je veux dire ...

Ecoutes Jean-Yves, what I meant to say, ce que je veux dire, c'est que ... de toute facon, en effect, effectivement ... ton blog a des liens au trucs cools en Francais qui m'aide a ameliorer mon langue ... your blog has links to cool stuff in French that help me improve my French.

Je ne suis pas stupide, moi! Je VOIS bien que tu ecris en Anglais ... I'm not a complete idiot, I SEE that you write in English.

BTW, or should I say, au fait, AF, why not write en deux langues? Pourquoi pas?

Also, je suis desolee, so sorry that the SCIENCE SUCKS graph was rather rough on you French folks, but honestly, it's a rare foreigner who visits France and is treated particularly well.

Moi, j'adore les Francais, mais c'est parce que j'ai appris le langue and if you can parler a little francais, the people are way nicer to you. Well, actually, I take that back, they're rather snotty and arrogant anyway, but at least if you can understand the snotty things they're saying, it's kindof amusing.