Les Blogs
Corporate Blogging and External Communication:
“Who is Robert Scoble and Who Cares?”
Moderator: Halley Suitt, Worthwhile Magazine, US
Andrew Carton, Treonauts, UK
Paolo Valdemarin, Evectors, Italy
Darren Barefoot, InsideBlogging and Capulet Communications, Canada
Robert Scoble’s blog at Microsoft:
Channel 9: Channel 9 is the weblog at Microsoft where text and video are used to share information about what new innovations and products are being developed at Microsoft.
The Red Couch: This is a weblog written by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel about the book they are writing on corporate weblogging called “Blog or Die”
The Corporate Weblog Manifesto: This is Scoble’s short piece on blogging in a corporation. Quick and easy to read. It’s a PDF Adobe formatted book on Seth Godin’s site, ChangeThis.
Corporate Blogging resources:
Debbie Weil’s corporate blogging site:
William Aruda, personal branding guru, based in Paris:
Seth Godin’s site:
PR and Blogging blogs:
Steve Rubel’s blog, Micropersuasion, all about how PR and blogs can work together:
Renee Blodgett’s blog, Down The Avenue, describes her life and work as a top PR agent working with high-tech clients to leverage corporate blogging.
Panel Bios:
Halley Suitt is a Senior Editor at Worthwhile Magazine (www.worthwhilemag.com) and wrote the first case study of corporate blogging in Harvard Business Review in September 2002. She’s a blogger, a writer, and a consultant. She is based in Boston, Massachusetts. She can be reached at halleys@yahoo.com
Darren Barefoot is a partner in InsideBlogging, a blog consultancy and Capulet Communications, a PR and marketing firm that specializes in software companies. He maintains a personal blog at www.darrenbarefoot.com. Darren has spent the last decade working with software companies in Canada and Europe. He spent two years in Dublin, Ireland as a technology evangelist for Cape Clear Software and has consulted for EA Sports, Radical Entertainment and sundry start-ups in Canada and Ireland. He speaks regularly on the convergence of technology and marketing, and was one of the organizers of Northern Voice (http://www.northernvoice.ca), the first Canadian blogging conference.
Andrew Carton, is an entrepreneur, futurist and change agent. His blog Treonauts (http://treonauts.com/) has become, in a very short period, the most influential blog on the subject of the PalmOne Treo smartphone. He was most recently the managing director of one of the largest online advertising networks in the UK. He started his first venture in Venezuela some 11 years ago and he has to date founded three businesses.
Paolo Valdemarin is co-founder and CEO of Evectors Software, based in Gorizia, in North Eastern Italy. He is also the co-author of the Easy News Topics RSS specification, a blogger, and has been working on the web for the last 10 years, helping companies to communicate better in this new environment by creating new tools and defining new strategies. He can be reached at paolo@evectors.it.
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