Thursday, February 10, 2005

Lenten Housecleaning

I'm surprised Lent is here already and it seems so early. This means an early Easter, which is nice.

This season is a raw one for me. But Lenten activities are welcome, a chance to cut back, reexamine your life, clean house, and get behind the basic teachings of Jesus -- I'd say whether you believe in him or not -- there is much wisdom there. Kindness, generosity, forgiveness, you can't go too far wrong there, right?

In an unforgiving climate of winter, in the stark, cold, bitter snowy landscape of February freeze, on a particularly icy night, Lenten thoughts wander to a burst of spring color and new life. Ironic isn't it?

And if there were a greater force than forgiveness for fostering new life, new love, new hope, feel free to show it to me. Spring cleaning can begin with a broom of "forgive and forget" to make your house liveable. A cleaning solution even better than Mr. Clean. Try it.